1.If most of these signs are there then this could be a dangerous situation unless it is handled well by you and any other person involved.
2.If they see a neighbor's young child in a dangerous situation, they should help the child, or at least give the alarm.
3.Making sure that you bring enough water with you can often be the difference between a safe trip and a dangerous situation.
4.Achilles Heel: John just loves to be the hero, meaning he could be easily tempted into a potentially fatal dangerous situation.
5.If the fire is spreading and you cannot handle it, leave the area and close the door. Never put yourself in a dangerous situation.
6.By drinking and putting myself in a dangerous situation, I had not only risked my life, but risked my daughter's security.
7.In tense situations, the wrong word or incorrect pronunciation can turn a simple misunderstanding into a dangerous situation.
8.All along brave souls have incarnated to bring Light into your lives, and at times it has been a dangerous situation to be in.
9.Excessive "materialization" of painting and creation of "inpidual spirit" of the missing, making our paintings and a dangerous situation.
10."One step in the wrong direction could have pushed things into a dangerous situation, " Mr. Onodera told reporters.